Need to scale your firm and make seven or eight figures?
Get Your FREE Copy of Grow Your Recruiting Business...
The First 3 Part Blueprint to Create Predictable Profits, Reliable Growth, and Business Freedom
"Mike did it. He can show you how to do it. He provides a system. Not "positive reinforcement" or a boost to your "emotional intelligence" - a step-by-step strategy to build your team and give you the freedom and pride and confidence you yearn for and deserve. I read it and learned quite a lot." 

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Is Your Recruiting Business Ready for the 3-Part Blueprint?You’ll Know If…
Work is chaotic, and nothing important ever seems to get done aside from the things that are “on fire”
Profits are feast or famine and placements feel random or unpredictable
Plans are loosely defined and rarely followed
You’re burned out and ready to quit…
Grow Your Recruiting Business Gives You a Step-By-Step Process To A Business That Runs And Scales Without You!

Here's What You Can Expect From The Book:

  • Discover the 3 core components of any successful recruiting business
  • ​Learn a step-by-step process for filling open job orders with certainty.
  • Get proven strategies for creating a consistent revenue stream with clients who are willing to pay Premium Fees, with Exclusives, and Money Upfront
  • ​Hire raw talent that produces immediately and scales your team
  • ​Go on vacation without checking your email or worrying about going out of business
  • Build a saleable asset when you’re ready to sell your firm


"For a recruiter, it takes away the anxiety of what it is that you need to do on a daily and weekly basis in order to hit your revenue goal that you set for yourself. Instead of just coming in and working hard because that is what you need to do, you now come in and work smartly, and you know what it is that you need to achieve."


"During the Great Resignation - nothing could be more timely than predictable strategies for building and growing your search practice. A must-read for new mature, and even advanced search practices. One of the few business books that integrate values, vision, clarity with practical approaches to implementation."
Meet the Author

Michael Gionta

Mike is one of the most recognized names in the recruiting industry today. After almost going out of business in 1991, Mike used his numerous “learning experiences” to build his personal billings to more than one million dollars per year consistently, with his best year in personal billings of $2,143,000. His recruiting firm, The Hudson Consulting Group, was rated the eleventh fastest-growing technology search firm in the U.S. and the second largest recruiting agency in the greater Hartford area. 
Mike then founded in 2007, and he and his associate coaches have helped solo and independent recruiting firm owners get better clients, scale their business, and finally create Business Freedom. The RecruiterU mentors clients on how to use Mike’s tested and proven strategies to multiply their earnings without working longer, harder hours. His training and coaching on becoming a trusted advisor and getting deposit-based searches transformed the way recruiters conduct their business. 

Additionally, Mike’s systems for hiring and onboarding new recruiters revolutionized how recruiting agencies scale their operations. Recognizing that many of the reasons recruiting firm owners are stuck, bored, and frustrated with their business is simply how they think about their business he led The RecruiterU to be the industry’s first coaching/ training organization to incorporate mindset/ performance coaching alongside business strategy coaching.
Mike also authored How To Double Your Placements in 121 Days or Less and is published frequently in leading recruiting industry trade journals. In addition, Mike is a keynote speaker at Recruiting Franchise Organizations and the National and State Recruiting Conferences.


© 2024 The Recruiter U with Mike Gionta — The World's #1 Marketing System For Recruiters and Recruiting Firms